"making disciples of jesus christ to transform our church,
our community and the world"
Owensville United Methodist Church is a friendly congregation serving the needs of each person, family, our community, and the world in the Spirit and love of Jesus Christ. Please join us this Sunday!
Pastor David tennant
Email: datennant51@gmail.com
Church: (513) 732-2208
2580 U.S. 50, Batavia, Ohio 45103
join us for worship!
Sunday, 10 a.m.
Communion is available the first Sunday each month. We participate in communion in the pew and through intinction at the chancel.
Sunday school is available for children K-6th grade.
Fellowship time with refreshments follows worship. All are invited!
Thank you, West Ohio Conference and Ohio River Valley District!
Praise God!
Recent Sermons
Lent Series 2/18/24- 1 of 6 messages- ““Entering the Passion of Jesus”- Risking Reputation, author, Amy-Jill Levine. Today, we look behind the scenes of Palm Sunday.
Mother’s Day Worship- 5/14/23- “Thank You, Moms!”
Easter Worship- 4/9/23- “Jehovah El Roi”
April 17, 2022- Easter- “The Biggest Nothing” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxn5cLlwh78
February 13, 2022- Valentine’s Day- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gRUWnkN4b4
November 21, 2021- “Thanks Living”- Thanksgiving Message, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eQVs6-mV94
November 15- “Change”- One Word Series https://youtu.be/Cx-bzNRXE50
August 8- “Are You Lost?”- Series on Parables- 4 of 4, The Lost Sheep https://youtu.be/SbInn1-Ak7M
July 26- “Are You a Patient or a Piece of Pottery?- Series on Parables- 3 of 4, The Pharisee and the Tax Collector https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXWfvbNS8NY&t=6s
July 12- “Tenacious Faith”- Series on Parables- 1 of 4, “The Persistent Widow,” help with your prayers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmJ66FqE2P8&t=102s
July 5- “Under God”- patriotic message https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4idS4RBeJFY&t=3s
June 21- Father’s Day- Lay Speaker, Jemma Tennant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtwPxZhF190
June 14-”Return from Exile”- re-start of worship https://youtu.be/SG3DyMMO65c
June 7- “Flourishing in Exile”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hciEKGiaymo&t=34s Looking at how our coronavirus separation (and return to worship June 14) have similarities to Israel’s Exile.
Join our Small Groups!
All groups meet at church.
Women’s Bible Study- Mondays, 1 p.m.
Join them in their current study in First and Second Thessalonians with a six-session video journey on Paul’s two letters to the believers in Thessalonica. Learn how to stay grounded, remain faithful, and keep diligent as we wait for Jesus’ return.
Questions? Call Jemma Tennant at 513-304-2528.
Food Pantry- wednesdays, 4-5 p.m.
Our Food Pantry ministry offers temporary food assistance to families in need. If you have questions about this ministry, contact the church office at 513-732-2208.
If would like to serve or donate in this hands-on, caring ministry, please contact the church office at 513-732-2208.
Prayer Group- thursdays, 7:30 & 8:30 A.M.
7:30 a.m.- Join us at Clermont Northeastern Elementary school to walk the halls, building relationships with teachers and staff through conversation and prayer.
8:30 a.m.- We return to the church sanctuary to lift our church, community, and world in prayer. All are welcome!
“Sew Luv”- Thursdays, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Join this wonderful sewing and craft group for beginners and better. All are welcome to participate in this friendly fellowship group. Questions?
Call the office at 513-732-2208
Facility REntal
For information on facility rental (sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, gym, picnic shelter, ball field), call 513-732-2208.
Find us on Facebook. | The United Methodist Church: www.umc.org | Devotional- Our Daily Bread: http://odb.org/